A subject I enjoy

The topic from this post is about subject that I like. I have had subject that I like in the school, especially Art. Sometimes I think that I should have study Art... Anyway, I want to talk about a subject that I really liked a lot in the university. Don't misunderstand me, nowadays I have very interesting subjects, one of those are Organic Chemistry. However, most of the time that I have a subject that I like, I end up not having a good performance... Is the history of my life... But, this subject, the subject that I want to talk right now it was a I subject that I had a very good performance, and I like a lot. Its Parasitology.
It sounds like a very macabre subject. And it is.😊 I had this subject when I was studying nursing. And was really exciting! I had theoretical classes with different teachers that the most of them was toxicology investigators or physicians. I had laboratory every week, where we saw and analyzed different in vivo, and dead parasites. Of what I remember, the subject began with nematodes and in the end we saw bugs or arthropods that serve as vehicle to infection. Every parasitism was described with his parasite, infection cycle, characteristics, infection routes, medication and prophylaxis. It was very fun to discuss medical cases. Especially about zoonoses. since I really like animals. I learned a lot.


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